Hua shan art school
I graduated from my art school.Our study's book always is professional books.Our professional crouse and the culture class is a half.
Our school's professional teacher almost person master of the art.And they like art very much,perhaps also have some person just want to survive.Our school have three to four divide school.Our school's culture class was not very tide.Also have some students don't very like art.
Our school have the sixty teachers to seventy teachers construct for art.We are the happy family.
And our art school is the one of famous school in shanghai's high school for art.We are the toppest.The school also have many excellent students went out in our school.Every year,we also have some the traveling exhibit around famous art museum for whole shanghai.
Hua shan art school in my memeory,I use finished my extremely frivolous time also is the enjoy art study time and then also is a honorable art time.
我职高的语文老师 我最尊敬的语文老师就是曾老师,她像妈妈一样严格要求我们,疼爱我们。
老师留着一头长发,她心地善良,和蔼可亲。 曾老师的脸是瓜子脸,笑起来嘴巴像月亮一样。她的声音很清脆,真动听!曾老师有一双“千里耳”,只要有一两个同学在窃窃私语,都会被老师发现。曾老师还有一双“火眼金睛”,谁在她的眼皮子底下做“事”,她决不饶恕。 我们班有一些同学上课不认真,因此,老师总是义不容辞地把学生叫到办公室去,辅导他们。有时候,老师也不能休息一下,老师总是把时间用在我们这些学生身上。老师从来没有为自己操心过,她总是为我们细心的解答问题,从不推辞。 我记得有一次,老师的喉咙很沙哑,但是还是带病上课。那时,我才懂得了老师的教导,老师的苦心,老师的伟大。 老师,大家都说您培育着祖国的栋梁,我却要说您就是祖国的栋梁,正是您撑起一代人的脊梁。当我听曾老师讲课时,总感觉很轻松,那是一种享受!她能把我们从荒凉的沙漠带到热闹的城市;一篇篇看似无味的作文,在曾老师的口中能说得有声有色。有时,曾老师能把我们带进神奇的大自然,让我们呼吸芬芳的空气;有时,曾老师能带领我们走进祖国的大好河山,让我们能尽情的游玩……总而言之,上曾老师的课,总能给我一种耳目一新的感觉,也让我感觉时间过得很快,不知不觉中就下课了。 老师,谢谢您!到此,以上就是小编对于2017职高高考作文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于2017职高高考作文的2点解答对大家有用。